Not the stereotypical career choice for a woman, however, Enny Mamahlako is an enthusiastic and technically proficient young lady from Mamelodi, East of Tshwane.
Having qualified with an N6 certificate in Engineering Studies in 2017, she is also a Red Seal, trade tested Electrician. Her contract at the Tshwane Metro ended recently, and she is now one of the MyTechie technicians that has opted for starting her own Techtrepreneur journey in her community.
One of the key objectives of MyTechie is to match the skills of the artisans, technicians and engineers in the communities they live in, and then to market the needs in the same proximity. However, we also look at the market needs in the area, and if we identify a gap in the skill set of the local technical candidates, we encourage MyTechies to get new market-relevant micro-credentials to augment their skill set and consequently their earning potential in the community they live in.
With Enny having a strong foundational set of credentials (N6) in the electrical engineering discipline and electrical skills, in particular, it made sense for her to add some complementary skills such as optical fibre to her personal capabilities. This gives her an opportunity to leverage her existing hand and tool skills and also improve her earning potential as she takes advantage of the growing deployment of fibre-to-home and business in and around Tshwane, where she benefits from a sustainable revenue without the need for excessive commuting to and from an office in the CBD.
To this end, Joe Botha, the Founder and CEO of Triple Play Fibre Optic Solutions ( has been of great support to the MyTechie objectives by making available some spare training slots to deserving candidates on his excellent training courses when availability permits.
Joe and the training team at Triple Play offer excellent foundational technical training to the market with a well-structured roadmap for engineers and technicians wanting to pursue a career in telecommunications and optical fibre in particular.
All the Triple Play courses are accredited by the Fibre Optic Association (FOA) and MICT SETA and the resultant certifications are evidence of skills, knowledge and abilities, which become an immensely valuable asset to the technicians and their employers.
Enny is the third deserving candidate that Joe and Triple Play have sponsored as participants at MyTechie, and this investment in the development of our youth is surely going to pay significant dividends in the future of our country as we Make-A-Difference #MAD to our future.
At MyTechie we call this ‘opportunity density,’ as we deliberately guide and mentor our family of participating Techies towards developing their skills and capacity and adapting to the market demands around them. With the drive of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and the virtual ‘tsunami’ of technology flowing into the network edge due to the explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and ‘smart-cities’, there will be a lot of opportunities for ‘smart-hands’ to be the enablers and interpreters of the technologies flowing into the communities.
Enny is the third deserving candidate that Joe and Triple Play have sponsored as participants at MyTechie, and this investment in the development of our youth, and in particular women in a male-dominated industry.
MyTechie, in partnership with Triple Play, is surely going to pay significant dividends in the future of our country as we, MyTechie Make-A-Difference #MAD to our future.